Just Sitting Here Thinking
A collection of sermons and lessons by Rev. J. Vance Eastridge of the United Methodist Church, including study series and ”introspective” character monologues. After more than 40 years as a pastor in the Holston Conference, Rev. Eastridge continued his ministry through the Virgil Anderson Sunday school class at Munsey Memorial United Methodist Church from 1995 to 2012.
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
11-11-90 The Tiger In You (Reprise)
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Sermon on becoming who we were born to be. Having the faith to boldly pursue living deliberately rather than eking out a fringe material existence. And finding in our reflection the image of God in which we were created.
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Sunday Oct 15, 2023
10-14-90 A Living God For Living People
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Emory University's J.J. Altizer once postulated to TIME magazine that "God is Dead." How we sometimes live as if God were dead or perhaps just fading away...
The comfort and the power of God's everlasting presence in the world and the universe. And how God continues working through Christ today in us. Our faith is a living relationship with God.
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Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
The meaning and purpose of the United Methodist Annual Conference. The foundation of Methodism and John Wesley's convictions, and the vibrance of the Holy Spirit that calls us to love and to serve.
The rugged life of circuit rider and the sacrifices of discipleship. "And are we yet alive?" The life of the chuch to unite and address the needs of our world together.
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Saturday Sep 23, 2023
6-02-91 Content To Drink Well Water
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
The story of the Samaritan woman and the importance of truly knowing Jesus to share the Gospel. "I don't know who you are, but I'm glad you came." Learning to accept the differences of others to share in fellowship and accept the gift of grace.
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Friday Sep 08, 2023
Putting Your Hand In The Hand Of God
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Sermon on how we were created to use our hands. The joy and blessing of work, allowing God to guide us in our actions. Our awareness of the suffering and injustices of others and honoring God by working to help others.
Jesus' call for social activism and the example of John Wesley. Standing as a church at the forefront of change in society for equality, tolerance, and love.
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Friday May 19, 2023
5-06-90 The Dinosaur Was Big...And He’s Extinct
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
Sermon on the ways we measure ourselves and our material judgments about life. How the discoveries of outer space and inner space puts into perspective our size and place in the universe.
Thinking big in tackling the challenges we face together, and thinking small in the actionable power of individual moments of grace. We can only make changes - big and small - one day at a time.
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Friday May 05, 2023
4-29-90 God Tore Down The Walls Around Eden
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
Sermon on Eden, earth, creation, and how greed and selfishness prevent us from sharing God's gifts with each other. God has made us caretakers, and we have become claim-jumpers claiming God's creation for our own.
Because we are the caretakers also of one another, how racism, prejudice, violence and mistreatment are an affront to God and the gift of all creation.
And how we treat ourselves and live our lives is how we treat God's most literal gift to each of us.
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Friday Apr 28, 2023
Live In Peace
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Lesson on Isaiah awaiting the messiah and the coming of peace. The meanings of peace outside of conflict, between individuals, and within ourselves.
The importance of forgiveness over hatred, and the walls hatred puts up between us and God. The story of St. Francis, and our role as peacemakers to bring the kingdom of God to earth.
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Friday Apr 14, 2023
6-26-05 The Resurrection as told by Mark
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Friday Apr 14, 2023
For the second Sunday of Easter, we revisit this lesson on St. Mark's account of Jesus' resurrection and the history of its translation and revision. The importance of the three women who discovered the empty tomb and the enigma of Joseph of Arimathea.
The closeness of Mark and Peter, and ending the story with the Great Commission: the message to spread the Good News, heal the sick and poor of spirit, and to be the power of Christ in the world.
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Friday Apr 07, 2023
Easter - He Is Risen! The Triumph Over Death
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
For Easter we revisit this lesson about how, on that day, the pain and grief of Jesus' mother and disciples was transformed into joy. The Resurrection of Jesus means the resurrection of all and triumph over death through the love of God.
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Friday Apr 07, 2023
4-14-90 Easter - Introspective on Simon Peter
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
In the continuing tradition of Rev. Eastridge's introspective character monologues, here is an earlier, different take on the character and experience of the father of the church, Simon Peter, and his witness to the ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus.
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Friday Mar 31, 2023
4-01-90 Maker of Peace
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
For Palm Sunday, we finish the journey to Jerusalem with the question of how to follow and spread the peace that Jesus knows and brings, to beat swords into ploughshares and ourselves become peacemakers.
The Prayer of St. Francis, and Luke 19:42 - "If only you knew the things which make for peace."
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Friday Mar 24, 2023
3-25-90 Jesus, Man Of Peace
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Sermon on our collective journey through Lent and the gift of peace through Jesus. How we hesitate to seriously open our hearts to Jesus because of our subconscious resistance to change. Knowing that change is painful but that our relationship with Christ transforms us, making all things new. Coming to our own Gethsemane and making our choice to follow Him.
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Friday Mar 17, 2023
3-20-05 Romans - Justification by Faith
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Lesson on Paul's letter to the church at Rome and his vital message which lies at the core of Christianity.
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Friday Mar 10, 2023
3-11-90 A Gift Of The Spirit
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Sermon on living in the way of peace and the meaning of shalom..
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Friday Mar 03, 2023
3-04-90 It’s All In Your Mind
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Sermon on the power of faith in healing and Jesus' reflections on Jerusalem.
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Friday Feb 24, 2023
2-25-90 Mistaking Pebbles For Pearls
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
The parable of the pearl, the story of the magic stone, the danger of overlooking true joy and meaning in our lives while trying to conquer our aspirations. In today's world it's hard to tell the difference between the stones and the pearls.
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Friday Feb 17, 2023
2-18-90 Burning Up The Cargo To Make The Trip
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Sermon on the simple life that gives fulfillment. Parsing through all the voices in society competing for our attention and the values they hold. The sacrifices we make to get ahead, the danger of burning through the good parts of life in order to satisfy artificial goals and grab meaningless treasure. The necessity and mystery of grace in our lives.
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Friday Feb 10, 2023
2-11-90 That’s The Way It Is
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Sermon on the story of Jesus making the blind beggar see. Who do we trust in a world of vested interests and ulterior motives? Where do we find a credibile source after being continually disappointed by our leaders in society, work, and politics?
The values we need to anchor us in an ever more complicated world - integrity, trust, learning the basis for our beliefs, and gaining wisdom from our own experience. We can rely always on God for steadfast and constant truth to anchor us.
Carrying God's truths and love out into the world, and how we can only love God by loving one another.
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Friday Feb 03, 2023
2-04-90 Use It Or Lose It
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Sermon on using our God-given gifts in life. The importance of exercising our talents to keep them honed, and exercising our faith to keep our spiritual life fresh and renewed. The importance of taking time in the busyness of life for our spiritual health, and the joy that comes into everyday life from regular prayer and reflection.
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J. Vance Eastridge
From 1955 to 1994, Rev. Eastridge served as senior pastor of over a dozen churches throughout Tennessee, Georgia and Virginia in the Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church. Upon retirement, Rev. Eastridge found a new ministry as a writer and teacher of the Virgil Anderson Sunday school class at Munsey Memorial United Methodist Church in Johnson City, Tennessee. His books include a memoir, I Don't Know Who You Are...But I'm Glad You Came, a brief history of Methodism A Man Named Wesley Passed This Way, and a collection of essays, meditations, poems and photographs Just Sitting Here... Thinking, for which this podcast is named.